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Commandos Vs Henchmen

Commandos Vs Henchmen is a game mode created in Fortnite's 
Creative Mode. Based on the Spies Vs Mercs multiplayer mode from the Splinter Cell series, it is an objective based game centered around asymmetrical multiplayer. Henchmen are heavily armed and heavily armored and must defend the objectives, while Commandos are weaker, but extremely mobile.


CvH is fully complete and ready to be published!

Gameplay and Level Design

Making CvH is an incredibly fun exercise in using and expanding my

game design skills.

  • Designing and balancing core mechanics

  • Creating an interesting map from basic pieces

  • Using the map itself to guide players to objectives

  • Playtesting and fixing bugs

  • Creating an ultimately fun and engaging experience

Software used:

  • Fortnite Creative Mode


Balancing an Asymmetrical Game:

Asymmetrical multiplayer has always been one of the most interesting game design challenges to me. Not only do the game designers have to make the teams balanced enough that one does not have an unfair advantage, they must do so without making one of the teams a chore to play. That challenge made itself apparent when preliminary playtesters agreed that, while the Commandos won more matches, they were less fun to play because of how easily the Henchmen could eliminate them. I found a way around this by giving the Commandos more speed and mobility tools, as well as slightly stronger weapons, while making the Henchmen more health and shields. Not only did the Commandos now feel more powerful, the Henchmen could now hold their own and win more rounds.

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